Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rock Hall 10k!

I only signed up for one race as part of my training plan for the River Run and I got to do a race I've never done before! The Rock Hall 10k ended up being a good race, although the course was a little boring. I liked that it was relatively flat but it also had long straight stretches. My parents and I all ended up placing in our age categories which was exciting and we were all awarded glasses! We hung out for a bit and then headed to the parking lot when we were ready to go and realized we were now stuck in the parking lot because of how slow the payment process was to get out. Instead of standing around being frustrated we walked about a mile to try the coffee shop, Milk + Honey. I think we all liked it! I got a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Latte and it looked cute but did end up kind of gross looking by the end with all of the soggy cereal on top!


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