Friday, September 13, 2024

River Run!

This was the 25th anniversary of The River Run and my 12th time participating! In last year's post I said it was my 8th time and that was very wrong...
This race is always, always my favorite one to do and we had beautiful weather just like last year! We parked in the old neighborhood again and walked over, which is a great warm up, and then I stood in line for bathrooms which took a long time so I almost missed the start of the race. Then I did miss the start because I had to run back to find Pat because he had my Bloks! Good thing they keep track of your chip time!  The race felt great but I didn't really know what kind of progress I was making because my training was all over the place this year. I ended up with 1:54:20, 40 seconds away from last year's time! If I had run 41 seconds faster I would have had a PR! Pat and Owen cut it close getting to the race and were walking up just as I was crossing the finish line. I was so happy to see them! We took the busses back to the parking lot, stopped for doughnuts and headed home!


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