Friday, September 27, 2024

Homecoming Cheer

The Freshman cheerleaders got the opportunity to cheer at the Homecoming game this year so Paige got to see what it felt like to cheer on a Friday night for a big crowd! Her duties started even earlier because they had to do a dance/cheer at the tailgate outside of the school and then they headed over. It was so fun watching her and you could tell it was so fun to cheer in front of the other students. So much more energy at a Varsity game!! The theme was color wars and the freshman color was grey so they were given new bows to wear. Seniors wore blue so Owen was there representing in the crowd!
Paige, Miley, Alayna

The group she'd normally be sitting with at the games. 

JV, Varsity and Freshman cheerleaders

Paige stunting in front of the crowd

Lined up and ready for the anthem

Paige waving to the crowd after doing 6 backhandsprings


Find Owen!

Find Owen again!

Friday, September 13, 2024

River Run!

This was the 25th anniversary of The River Run and my 12th time participating! In last year's post I said it was my 8th time and that was very wrong...
This race is always, always my favorite one to do and we had beautiful weather just like last year! We parked in the old neighborhood again and walked over, which is a great warm up, and then I stood in line for bathrooms which took a long time so I almost missed the start of the race. Then I did miss the start because I had to run back to find Pat because he had my Bloks! Good thing they keep track of your chip time!  The race felt great but I didn't really know what kind of progress I was making because my training was all over the place this year. I ended up with 1:54:20, 40 seconds away from last year's time! If I had run 41 seconds faster I would have had a PR! Pat and Owen cut it close getting to the race and were walking up just as I was crossing the finish line. I was so happy to see them! We took the busses back to the parking lot, stopped for doughnuts and headed home!


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Back to School Feast!

We managed to fit in our Back to School Feast on the same day as the first day of school, which is pretty unusual for us. But so nice! We got extra balloons this year and managed to find the candles that were missing last year. The menu this year was lasagna, broccoli and apple pie. I still can't believe Owen is a senior and Paige is a freshman, so proud of them and excited to see what they'll accomplish this year!


Sunday, September 8, 2024

First Day of School!

The kids are in high school together this year which means they drive to school together!! I love that they get this time together before Owen will have college next year! They end up leaving about 6:50 every morning and so far it's been going well as far as everyone getting up on time and being ready to leave. For the first day I told the kids to budget extra time for pictures and we managed to get a bunch in! They both had a great day!


Saturday, September 7, 2024


My birthday fell the day before the first day of school this year and Paige had her first day of dance that day and Owen had soccer and Pat had work so we had about 2 hours in the middle of the day to be together and celebrate! I was just glad we found any time at all! Pat and the kids gave me gifts and we hung out and maybe played a game or two? I'm still planning on taking everyone to Mason's Creamery to get my birthday dessert!!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rock Hall 10k!

I only signed up for one race as part of my training plan for the River Run and I got to do a race I've never done before! The Rock Hall 10k ended up being a good race, although the course was a little boring. I liked that it was relatively flat but it also had long straight stretches. My parents and I all ended up placing in our age categories which was exciting and we were all awarded glasses! We hung out for a bit and then headed to the parking lot when we were ready to go and realized we were now stuck in the parking lot because of how slow the payment process was to get out. Instead of standing around being frustrated we walked about a mile to try the coffee shop, Milk + Honey. I think we all liked it! I got a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Latte and it looked cute but did end up kind of gross looking by the end with all of the soggy cereal on top!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


The kids barely need supplies anymore but we're keeping our tradition alive anyway-Target/Starbucks/Supplies!
Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino!

I got something too! 

Owen also wanted this game...which we bought a day or two later!

By the supplies and posing with his now empty cup

I think Paige also got a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino!

I got a drink too!

By the supplies!