Saturday, August 13, 2022

San Francisco

Our next stop was San Francisco! We were there for most of the day and then left the next morning so we tried to get to a lot of spots in a short amount of time. We had lunch in Chinatown at Dim Sum Corner and ordered way too much food but it was delicious! We also stopped at the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company and bought some cookies. We walked up a bunch of hills so we could walk down Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world. Then we checked in at the hotel and rested our legs before heading out to Fisherman’s Wharf where we had ice cream sandwiches for dinner and the kids picked out a ton (1.4 lbs) of gummy candies. We went over to the water and watched some sea lions stalk some swimmers and walked down a sketchy pier that needs some restoration. If we had more time we all would have loved to take the ferry out for a tour of Alcatraz!


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