Thursday, January 6, 2022

New Year Hike!

We've had better weather for our New Year's Day hike but we've also had much worse! We knew rain was coming later in the day so we got out fairly early and by the time we were heading to the car it was starting to mist so we timed it just right. We chose to go hiking near the nature center because we knew it would be muddy out and this would give us some choices. Of course, the kids chose a flooded path to explore anyway and did most of the hike in wet shoes but they didn't complain and were really good sports about the whole thing, that made it extra enjoyable and fun!
The kids jumped and maneuvered over this giant puddle to get to the bridge while Pat and I opted to watch. They both ended up with wet shoes when they made their way back


Stopped for a quick picture

We walked across a lot of fallen trees, luckily they weren't too slippery

Stopped for a picture again

It's more fun to walk across fallen trees than to go around

So many stairs!

We made it to the top!

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