Thursday, November 8, 2018

Halloween Day

Halloween started with a very early morning run to the local doughnut shop! We've chosen to have the traditional doughnuts and cider for breakfast the past couple of years because there isn't much time after school before friends come over! I also made eggs to get some protein in there but both kids mentioned they had a little bit of a stomachache...we might have to move the doughnut eating to later in the day:) 
Owen's school doesn't have parties but I'm room captain for Paige's class this year so I (along with Tiffany) was in charge of organizing the party! The kids ate cookies, pretzels, oranges and juice boxes and we played a balloon stomp game. Paige was doing well but I guess she somehow stomped on her own balloon! We also had a photo booth set up. It was a lot of fun and went by very quickly!

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