Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Nine years of HarvestFest (for me and Paige at least, Owen has missed a couple for soccer games)! I was looking back at pictures from previous years and noticed that last year it was so nice that I wore a sleeveless shirt! Not this year, we all got bundled up for the cold this time. They moved some locations of the activities and it was very crowded so we didn't get to do the trick or treating but the kids enjoyed the inflatable race course, inflatable maze and playground. Later, Owen had to go to a party but we took Paige and Miley back to watch the fireworks and play in the corn pit. So nice watching the fireworks without the big crowd even if it was a little chilly!




Owen somehow got his sleeve caught in his braces! I tried to help but I was mostly laughing. Pat saved the day!


Corn pit to themselves!

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