Monday, February 19, 2018

Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day! It's such a low-key holiday for us and there are no expectations so anything that is given or done seems extra special. Owen and Paige don't get up at the same time so it felt like we got to celebrate a couple times. Each kid had a special breakfast of waffles, raspberries, and yogurt with heart sprinkles. They also each got some treats in the mailboxes. They both got Hershey kisses, some balloons that inflate when you punch them. Additionally, Owen got soccer cards and Paige got a Num Nom blind pack that ended up being lip gloss. Later, I got to help out at Paige's school party and was in charge of reading a book (Crankenstein Valentine). The rest of the day was mostly not holiday-ish because of Pat getting home at a weird time and the kids having soccer and dance but we got enough celebrating in during the day! Pat also got me some beautiful flowers!!

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