Friday, July 7, 2017

Vacation Day 4

Sigh. Day 4 was rough. I can skip over the small stuff that didn't go well but there's no talking about our vacation without mentioning what happened on this day! The day started out normally, we took a walk to check out a nearby Pokemon Go stop, then we hung out on the beach until lunchtime. We had a quick lunch and then decided to stop at some of the outlets we missed the previous day because we would pass them on our way into Rehoboth anyway (we were going to get ice cream and hang out some more on the beach there). We ended up in a three car accident with our car smashed in the middle. Everyone was fine but Owen had a bump on his head that was worrisome so the ambulance took us to the hospital to get him checked out. Once we were done there we realized we had no transportation (we found out later that our car was totaled) and had to call an Uber to get us back to the beachhouse. Pat spent the rest of the day talking to insurance people and trying to iron out details about what would be happening.
Owen and I came across these hawks guarding their nest while we were out checking out Pokemon Go stops.

Paige was feeling a bit melancholy


Poor Owen! We were glad we took him to the hospital to make sure everything was ok! 

We still had some time for shell-hunting that night


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