Monday, July 24, 2017

Soccer Camp!

Owen had so much fun at the Akron soccer camp last year that we told him he could do the overnight camp this year! You have to be 10 to attend so Owen was amongst the youngest of the campers but he roomed with his friend who attended the year before. We packed a ton of soccer socks and all the usual away-from-home stuff too and Owen threw in a bag of parade candy as well. The kids stayed in a really nice dorm that was right near the stadium and playing fields and the room even had its own bathroom! We were stayed around and chatted until Owen asked us to leave, eager to get started on his camp experience;) He played a ton of soccer, ate a bunch of junk food (and some good for you stuff too), and loved every moment of it! We came early on Sunday to watch him play in some games and then we stopped at Swensons for a bite to eat before we headed home!
Owen posing outside of his room!
Owen's roommate/friend, Jack, arrived!

I snuck in a quick hug before Owen kicked us out:)

Brother/sister photo

Selfie the boys sent from camp (Jack had a phone with him!)

Action shot!

Owen's coach, Barth! A lot of the people running the camp are current Akron players or coaches at Akron. Barth told Owen to come visit him at some games and make sure he said hi!

Two more coaches/players!

One more picture on the way out!

Swenson's! Everyone got burgers and fries but Paige chose a rootbeer milkshake that was excellent. Owen and I got chocolate!

Pat enjoyed his food too! The workers didn't stop running around the entire time we were there!

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