Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Earth Day!...?

We attempted an Earthy Earth Day but I'm not sure how successful we were. We did some errands in the morning and forgot our reusable shopping bags so it wasn't a good start but we were planning on going to Earthfest so I thought we could make up for it there. It was pretty chilly but we rode our bikes there (and got in for free because of it!). It was a pretty depressing scene when we got there. Some of it was regular carnival rides and food (not earthy) and then most of it was tables handing out pamphlets (also not very earthy). There was a petting zoo but the animals all looked very stoic. Good for petting but a little sad to see. We did learn a little bit about how windmills and solar panels work and there was a truck from NASA that I think we've been in before but long enough ago that everything was "new" and interesting.

More Space! Paige spent the longest time exploring space while we were there!

Standing next to a wind mill blade

It's harder to generate power than you would think!

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