Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pancakes, Please?

I mentioned a couple posts ago that Owen had caught a cough. Well, it turned out to be a little more serious. He went to school Monday and we got a call from the nurse around 1 saying he had a fever and needed to be picked up. When I walked into the school clinic instead of seeing Owen I saw Paige! Turns out that she had been involved in a collision at recess and bumped heads with another girl. They were in the clinic getting checked out and getting some ice for their bumps. The nurse knew I was there for Owen so she was a little confused about why I was comforting some other kid...It was pretty funny when she pulled back a curtain and Owen was sitting behind it happily sipping a juice box. Paige and Owen were basically right next to each other and had no idea! He ended up missing school the next two days and had a fever that got as high as 103. One night I couldn't sleep and Owen woke up talking to me about wanting pancakes and how soon could I make them? He was very surprised to find out it was the middle of the night but went back to sleep and I made him the pancakes the next morning:)


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