Monday, October 3, 2016

Family Playlist

The kids are still fairly young but we already have some songs that are important to our family. Not all of them are super kid appropriate but might contain a couple lines that specifically applied to us at the time. We'll continue to add to the list but so far here is a list of songs that instantly bring us back to a specific time!

Yellow by Coldplay - This song reminds me of Owen in the NICU and the windy drive through the park we would take to visit him. He was very jaundiced so the yellow reference totally applied but the rest of the lyrics are pretty touching when you think of them in relation to a newborn- "Look at the stars, see how they shine for you," "You know I love you so."

Lola by the Kinks - This song was also for baby Owen! The lyrics have nothing to do with anything related to us except we heard it one day and sang it as "la la la la Owen" and that line became something we would sing pretty often.

Turn the Page by Bob Seger - Baby Paige needed a song too and this one was chosen because it had her name in it! It's also a little moody and references being on the road which are two things we were dealing with pretty heavily while Paige was in the NICU.

Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and the Papas - I've loved this song for a long time and it's important to our family for a couple reasons. Pat and I danced to it at our wedding and we used to sing it to the kids every night at bedtime.

Outdoors (I'm Yours) by Jason Mraz - Jason Mraz's original song, I'm Yours, was rewritten as Outdoors when he performed it on Sesame Street and I like to think it's better than the original. I get completely thrown off when the regular version is on the radio and the lyrics are all wrong.

What I am by - Another Sesame Street favorite that we listened to a lot and I hoped that the kids were internalizing the message of all the positive things they could be and not just being distracted by muppets:)

We are Young by FUN - This is one of those songs that you don't realize is a problem until the kids are singing it but by then it's too late...and then you just sing your heart out and hope they're not paying attention. We used to blast this song in the car.

One More Night by Maroon 5 - We used to listen to this song on the way to and from indoor soccer when Owen was little so it reminds me of those dark, chilly nights!

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