Friday, September 16, 2016

Akron Game

Akron University had a camper's reunion game last week (remember when the kid's went to soccer camp there?) so we made the long trek out on a Friday night and met some friends to watch the men's team play. It was fun to be there with Pat this time and show him where the kids played and see which players on the team had worked with the campers. Akron won the game and then the players signed posters for anyone who wanted to wait in line.

Ready for the game!

It got dark pretty quickly!

Paige opted to cartwheel for a lot of the second half but I got a picture of her in between.

The players were really nice to the kids and a couple of them recognized Owen (although he was wearing his camp shirt so that was probably a big help:)

The game was a couple days before September 11 and the University had these flags out for what I'm assuming was a tribute.

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