Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Down on the Farm

Paige is in Pre-K this year so her class is old enough to go on a field trip! Parents had to accompany their kids so we all met up at a local farm for a couple hours of fun. The first activity was a hayride where we got to see a ton of scarecrows the farm had set up. Then the kids got to play in corn kernels (the fall version of a sandbox?) and go through a hay maze. At the end they got to pick their own pumpkins and also went home with a piece of candy, popcorn and an apple.
If this picture had one more girl in it you would be looking at all the girls in her class. That's right, 4 girls, 16 boys.

I was going to sit by Paige for the hayride but seats went fast:) It did allow me to get a picture of the back of her head and one of the creepier scarecrows in the background though!

Corn kernels! Yay!

All of the pumpkins looked pretty nice but I sort of think Paige got the best one anyway.

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