Monday, November 5, 2012

Trick or Treat!

We didn't get around to carving our pumpkin until yesterday but it ended up being a perfect activity for Trick or Treat day! Owen had a pretty clear idea of what it should look like so we were all happy to let  him decide. The kids helped with the pumpkin a little bit but neither would scoop with their hands (amateurs...). Trick or Treating was a lot of fun and the weather was actually decent. A lot of people had fires going in their front yards and everyone was very nice to the kids. Paige and Owen did a great job being polite and talking to the neighbors but next year we need to get Paige talking a little louder!

The kids overseeing Pat's pumpkin skills

Pirate Paige

Pat grew this mustache just for yesterday.

We ended our trick or treating once their bags were full so the kids got a chance to hand out some  candy too! 

They combined their bags into one big pile!

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