Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Owen has been asking to go to the library pretty much everyday and I've been indulging him most days because...
1. I love libraries (I totally should have been a librarian)
2. I love that he loves libraries (you knew that)
3. It's been really hot outside
4. We've been mixing it up by going to different branches
5. Paige loves books too (see below)

Paige likes to lean in to get a really good look at her books.
Also, this book reminded me that I need to get the kids to the beach

Here are a couple book-related websites
1. Goodreads (thanks Diana!) - Best way to keep track of what you're reading, what you've read and what you want to read in the future.
2. What Should I Read Next - I haven't tested this yet but I love the concept. You type in the name of a book  you love and it gives you suggestions.

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