Sunday, August 18, 2024

Columbus part 1

We took a trip to Columbus to see Owen's favorite team play at the Ohio State stadium (the Horseshoe?)! We had these tickets for months and we were so excited to go see some amazing soccer. The weather was very iffy the day of the game and we ended up driving there in the rain for awhile. It did stop in time for the game which was so nice but meant we had to sit on wet bleachers! Unfortunately, Owen's team didn't do so well against Manchester City and ended up losing but it was so neat seeing all the fans and flags waving and still felt like a good experience! We also took the time to walk some of the campus afterwards while we waited for the traffic to clear up. Owen doesn't think he wants to apply to Ohio State but it was good to see another campus to be able to compare to what he's already seen. We stopped at Sonic on the way back to the hotel and then tried to sort out the sleeping situation which is how Owen ended up curling up on top of the desk. Don't worry, we got the bed made up for him to actually sleep in!


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