Monday, August 26, 2024


Jamie and I met up for lunch at Brewella's for crepes and coffee. We both got the peach cobbler crepe and it was delicious although I could have done without the graham cracker pieces in it! Afterwards we went to Blossom Flower Bar to put together our own arrangements. They were low on options but I still really like what we came up with and would go back again!


Sunday, August 25, 2024


Paige and I got our nails done!

No idea what these two were doing!

At the park after some rain

Cute Paige!

Handsome Owen with the cats

Pat got a big Manchester United stadium lego set!

Freshman cheer bonding

The cheerleaders helped out at a school supply fundraiser

Owen and his teammates after winning their second scrimmage

Fall athlete picture day

Pat was working hard on fixing up the fire pit

Owen is a Link leader this year and is helping freshmen get adjusted


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tee/Tea Party

On this day the girls were supposed to be having high tea and the guys were going golfing but our tea reservations got cancelled because of a power outage so we went to First Watch for brunch instead. The guys got to keep their reservation though! It was Owen's first time and I wouldn't say he fell in love with the game but he did have fun playing and hanging out with his dad and grandpa! Afterwards, we celebrated August birthdays with presents and strawberry cake!


Friday, August 23, 2024

Alumni Game

It's hard to believe that Owen will be playing in this game next August on the alumni side instead of the high school side!! I love that they have this game every year for the kids to just go have fun and get to play with former teammates and friends. The high school team started out strong but the alumni eventually won the game!


Thursday, August 22, 2024


We were having trouble finding a date for us all to go to a Guardian's game but we did it! And then it got rained out! We actually didn't even know it was on a rain delay when we left the house so we still went up to the stadium. There were a lot of people milling about and eating food so we did the same thing. By the time we had walked around a little (Pat got a new hat!) and eaten, the game was officially canceled so we grabbed some ice cream and headed back to the car. Not what we expected but it was a fun night out anyway!


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Columbus part 1

We took a trip to Columbus to see Owen's favorite team play at the Ohio State stadium (the Horseshoe?)! We had these tickets for months and we were so excited to go see some amazing soccer. The weather was very iffy the day of the game and we ended up driving there in the rain for awhile. It did stop in time for the game which was so nice but meant we had to sit on wet bleachers! Unfortunately, Owen's team didn't do so well against Manchester City and ended up losing but it was so neat seeing all the fans and flags waving and still felt like a good experience! We also took the time to walk some of the campus afterwards while we waited for the traffic to clear up. Owen doesn't think he wants to apply to Ohio State but it was good to see another campus to be able to compare to what he's already seen. We stopped at Sonic on the way back to the hotel and then tried to sort out the sleeping situation which is how Owen ended up curling up on top of the desk. Don't worry, we got the bed made up for him to actually sleep in!


Friday, August 16, 2024

Columbus part 2

Day 2 of Columbus was another fun day! We could have driven home after the game the night before but wanted to make it a little more of a family trip. We started the day with Ikea because it's one of Paige's favorite stores to visit and Owen had never been there before! I think he liked it! After that we stopped at Otherworld. Paige and I went there in 2019 with Jamie and I remembered it pretty well but they had changed some things around and it was fun to see Pat and Owen experience it too! So many hidden surprises and places to get lost!