Saturday, April 13, 2024

Pats Birthday!

Pat's birthday celebration took place over a couple different days this year because it fell on a very busy week! We fit in a dinner the night before his birthday at Agave and Rye, a restaurant Pat had been talking about for awhile! I was excited to try it but I made the classic mistake of eating tortilla chips before and then could barely eat my actual dinner! It was a very fun place though and the decor was amazing! 
On Pat's actual birthday, he and I went out to lunch when he had a break from work and then we celebrated with cake and presents once everyone was home that night! He requested German chocolate cake and it was a good choice!

Owen and Pat at Agave and Rye

The other side of the table

The "chips" were just actual entire tortillas

Such fun decor and I think this was in the bathroom!

I put up a banner in his office

Another banner for Pat's Day!

Pat and the kids

This cake was delicious and I love these candles that have colored flames!


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