Saturday, June 6, 2020

Last Day of School!

The kids basically missed out on the last 3 months of school because of quarantine so the "last day of school" was pretty anti-climactic. They had already collected their things from the school, there was no yearbook signing or parties. Both kids were just happy to be done with online learning and ready to move on so there weren't any tears from them about wrapping things up.  Paige's last year of elementary school should have ended with a farewell party where the entire grade would get a day of school to celebrate, a clap-out where they would walk the halls and every grade cheered them on, and an awards ceremony where their accomplishments would be applauded by family and teachers. Instead, we decorated the car and headed to Paige's school for a farewell drive through where some of the staff and fourth grade teachers were lined up to say goodbye. They handed the kids a bag with a a couple gifts and the awards they earned. Paige participated in a lot of groups and and worked hard this year so she had a lot of awards! The two she was proudest of was her award for academic excellence and her citizenship award which she received for " outstanding leadership, school spirit, respectful behavior towards others and volunteer work in the school and community." We're so proud of her and we're going to miss elementary school!! 

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