Friday, January 3, 2020

Richey Christmas

I didn't get a ton of pictures this year and I need to gather some more from people who did! We all met up around 1 or 2 for a meal (pasta!) and then gathered around the tree to give out presents. Owen and Paige used to make gifts for everybody but for the past couple of years we've been taking them to the store to pick out gifts for everyone and I love seeing what they choose. They love giving them out too! Everyone was beyond generous with gifts this year but my favorite part is watching the chaos and seeing balls of wrapping paper flying toward the trash bag, occasionally hitting someone who was trying to get to the tree or to a chair:) Afterwards, we lounged around and played games until it was time to head home, much to Paige's dismay! She hates when the holiday festivities are over! 

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