Tuesday, March 19, 2019

ODM Crazy!

This is one of the craziest and busiest and most exhausting dance weekends of the year! 
Friday-four hours of dance scholarship classes where the kids have a chance to earn money and acknowledgement for their skill. Paige is still 8 but she had to be with the 9-10 year olds this year. It was a tough room! Paige didn't win anything this time and she was super duper nervous going into the room but I'm so proud of her for facing her nerves and walking into a room to compete against kids that might have been dancing 2 years more than her! I passed the time by grabbing dinner with friends at Zocalo. Yum!
Saturday is competition all day! We woke up to get ready at 6am and left the building at 7:15pm. Paige's trio turned into a duo ten minutes before they went on stage because Miley got sick! Paige and Maeve were a little thrown off but still did great and ended up scoring High Gold. The other dances were amazing too. Mini line and Lyrical got Platinum and Jazz and Tap got High Gold. 
Sunday-Paige had 4 hours of classes before she finished up at 1pm. I headed back to the hotel with friends to pack up and eat breakfast and then passed some time at the Winking Lizard. It was St Patrick's Day so there were festively dressed people everywhere!

Pictures all out of order--
Ready for Sunday classes

This is what their hair looks like after they take out all the bobby pins. They had just a little bit of time to swim on Saturday night.

Adorable and ready to rock mini line

Hotel shenanigans

Playing some Uno before starting group dances

12 and under kids ready for scholarship classes

On the way to lunch

More adorable kids

Hauling dream duffels around downtown

A duo this time!

We just arrived at the hotel and ran into some friends!

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