Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Family Party!

We finally got around to having Owen's birthday party! He opted not to have a friend party this year but we didn't want to skip out on celebrating with family. We went for a loose "tailgating" theme this year because we had his party on the same day as the Superbowl. We used foam fingers, pom poms, and streamers in orange and blue to decorate and also had a banner behind the food that said "ready, set, eat!" We made one new recipe this year-Football-shaped spinach dip breadsticks. It was kind of a pain to make but really ended up being so tasty, and it was a fun combination food/decoration to have on the table. We set up cornhole downstairs but I don't think anyone played, Owen actually moved it out of his way to set up a game where you had to shoot a ball into a bin from a bunch of different points in the room without missing to win. It was a hit! We also played Donner Dinner Party!
Food, everything except for the pizza!

Closer view of the cupcakes, I loved the little foam fingers!
The whole crew!

Cake time!

Owen's game

Mom and Dad were on a team and Mom hilariously revealed her part in the game because of her reaction to the card~

Still laughing! :)

The kids played Mario Party while the adults were playing the board game

I got a quick picture with Zsaz!

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