Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Mead Cup

Another soccer tournament! Owen probably has twice the amount of soccer this season because they're doing more tournaments and his club team is in two leagues. So far, Owen has requested more tournaments and after you hear about this one you'll see why! Owen and I drove down to Dayton Friday night while Pat stayed with Paige so she could finish up dance class. We basically went right to sleep because the boys had an early game and long drives always wear me out anyway! Pat and Paige drove down the next morning and made it in time for the second game. We saw some great soccer all weekend and no dirty playing by any teams.  Owen's team won all three qualifying games to get into the finals! We were so excited for them and knew the teams would be pretty evenly matched going in. They ended the game 2-2 and went into overtime! It was so stressful but I was hoping they could win it before it went into a shootout. Unfortunately they were scoreless after overtime and that meant there would be a shootout after all. I felt so bad for all the kids because they had been playing in 90+ degree heat all weekend and this game took about 2 hours by the time it was all done. All worth it though because the goalie on Owen's team saved 3 shots and his team won! They were so pumped and it was so well-deserved!! 
Sidenote- we also fit in some time on Saturday to stop at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum with a couple of families from Owen's team. At the time, I felt a little bad about having Owen walk around a museum after he had played so hard and his legs were tired but I'm glad we ended up going. We weren't there super long and we got to see some interesting stuff like the old Air Force Ones and Pat was excited to see the Memphis Belle.
On-field huddle before the first game


More action


Owen and friends

Quick group shot!


Kickoff for the 3rd game

Lunch before the finals


Pep talk

Sister squad

The teams and refs line up halfway across the field before the game begins

Pre-finals huddle

Ready to play (Pat bought that orange tent to keep the kids out of the sun)

All the boys ran onto the field to celebrate when they won!


Another trophy for the collection:)

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