Friday, November 10, 2017

Halloween Day

When I told Paige that I would run out on Halloween morning to get donuts she told me that she wanted to join me. I told her that no, she would still be sleeping and she had school so I didn't want to wake her up at 6 am. Paige had her own internal alarm and woke up around 5:30 to make sure I didn't leave without her:) It was nice to have company for the trip! We had our family breakfast with some eggs, apple cider, and pumpkin seeds (nobody liked them). Paige and I even made place cards!
Since Owen is such a big kid now (sniff!), his school doesn't have Halloween parties. But Paige's class did! I wasn't picked to go because they had so many volunteers but her teacher did send some pictures.
Donuts. So good you could go nuts.

Ready for some sugar?!?!

Paige and her friend dressed as characters from Descendants

Paige's class

Making mummies

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