Saturday, December 10, 2016


Owen had a soccer game so Paige and I were on our own for our city's winter parade this year! We got lucky in that it was cold enough to be festive but not so freezing that we wished we hadn't gone. Paige actually kept trying to shed layers and told me she was hot which I didn't believe until she showed me that she was sweating! I guess our bodies do not react the same way to temperatures! Anyway, we speed-walked downtown to make it in time for the parade and found a good spot right at the beginning so we could jet over to the iceless skating rink before it got too crazy. It worked out perfectly because we ran into some friends in line which made the wait not seem so long and then while we were "skating" we had a great view of the fireworks! The rink was like a big sheet of plastic and very hard to skate on, Paige was falling all over the place and having the best time ever! We eventually got the hang of it before we had to get off though. We headed home for hot chocolate and cookies because the lines for everything had gotten crazy!!
Selfie while waiting for the parade!

Waving to Santa, who always ends the parade

Ready to skate!

This picture perfectly captures how slippery it was!

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