Monday, November 7, 2016

Road Trip!

We took a road trip to visit some friends in Cincinnati last weekend! We headed up after Paige's last day of soccer and arrived a couple hours before we had to leave for a Miami hockey game. The kids stayed home with a sitter while Pat and I and our friends headed to campus for the hockey game and some pizza. The arena was built after we graduated so we had never been there before and it was really, really nice. They lost the game but Pat won a free Chik-fil-A sandwich so we all left happy:) Afterward, we headed uptown to get some warm, freshly baked cookies (at Insomnia Cookies! so good!) and even though it was around 10 and still a bit early to be out, by college standards, we did get to see a lot of students wandering around in costumes.  The next day, we feasted on doughnuts and brought the kids up to campus to show them around. A lot of it was new to us too so it was fun to see what had changed and what hadn't.
Owen fell asleep on the way down!
SDS pizza before the game!

The kids had no trouble picking up where they left off when we last saw them in July.

Paige made friends with their two big Weimaraners.
Pat and I had to pose in Upham Arch because there's some sort of Miami tradition where people are supposed to do that?

We needed a map!
I made everyone go into King Library because it was one of my favorite places:)

Lunch Time! Pat and Owen chose Jimmy Johns and yes, Pat naturally sits like this and was not coerced for the purposes of this picture
I tried a new place called SoHi and got this fantastic roasted veggie sub! So good!

On the way home, both kids fell asleep this time!

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