Wednesday, September 17, 2014


So we were on our way to the library to pick up a book that was on hold before we went to the Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration when we got blocked out by the Artfest and decided to just do that instead. We usually go every year but I had totally forgotten about it so I was glad we ended up there by accident. There were a lot of crafts for the kids and we did some chalk drawings and checked out the local artists. We could have stayed longer but eventually we had to leave for Owen's soccer game so we got our kettle corn and headed home!
We paused on the walk over to stand on a large rock

Paige working on her keychain

Owen contributing to the community art project that I believe was going to be attached to a paddleboat and sent onto the lake.

This was right before we realized it had gotten very warm and we needed to ditch the hoodies.

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