Saturday, March 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Pat!

We had big plans for Pat's birthday this year. Cake. Lasagna. Then we both got sick! Pat spent the day sleeping, the kids went to a friend's house and I did some errands I was too weak to do the day before. The first picture you see was his birthday dinner. Toast and water. It's possible he only got off the couch to eat it because he thought there might be presents after and he was right! Owen made a card and Paige made a mini scrapbook from some pictures of our wedding I didn't need for another scrapbook. I'll have to post pictures of it another time because she worked very hard on it!

We got around to making the cake yesterday (carrot cake by request) and I recruited Pat to help me. It was pretty big so we stuck half in the freezer and the kids asked to each frost half (picture below).  It was looking good and we all had a couple bites before wondering why it was tasting so salty. I usually leave out the salt when I bake (I could pretend it's for health reasons but it's mostly laziness. One less thing to measure!). Pat not only added the salt but used rock salt which left pockets of saltiness in the cake. So...we all had a good laugh and tried to eat the cake but gave up after a couple more bites. Don't worry, he got his lasagna today!

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