Monday, September 5, 2011

Phone Pictures!

Pat got me a new phone for my birthday (yay! Thanks Pat!) so I have a new folder of old pictures that I got from my previous cellphone! There were a lot of fun ones so I'm going to share some of the best ones in my next few posts. I don't have dates for these but you can sort of tell by the length of Paige's hair when it might have been :) 
I'm pretty sure this was the day after Easter, I couldn't really convince her to wear these for the actual holiday even though she had refused to take them off when we were in the store!
Paige refused to hold her bottle. I had to improvise.

I couldn't figure out why I liked this picture so much until I realized how funny it was to see that Paige was ignoring all the toys on the left to play with the electronics.

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