Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oh. Blog!

This poor blog has been seriously neglected lately! My normal blogging time has been taken over by running, runs which are getting longer and longer every week leaving me less time to myself in the morning. I need to become a late-night blogger instead. I'll be doing some posts to catch up on what has been happening over here!
We finally got some family pictures taken! They were supposed to happen back in April but got put off because of a hockey game. We didn't plan on getting any individual shots of the kids but the photographer got a great one of Owen while we were trying to wrangle Paige. I felt a little bad for the photographer since she was pulling out all of her tricks to try and amuse Paige but it was pretty funny that Paige just looked at her like she was insane. Apparently Paige has a very sophisticated sense of humor and is not amused by fake sneezes and weird noises? Eventually she warmed up and we were able to get some good ones:)

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