We traveled to Michigan for a few days to visit Pat's grandparents and celebrate Thanksgiving. We did a horrible job remembering to take pictures so here are just a few.
Owen napping about 10 minutes into the drive!
Owen's favorite part of the trip--there were two dogs! They would chase him if he ran around so he spent a lot of time doing that.
When Owen had his turn with the camera I decided to use the time to take a nap. No, really. I think I fell asleep. I was super tired. That is how he managed to take the most unflattering picture ever. And now I'm sharing it.
Our town was having a holiday walk on Saturday that mostly amounted to Lolly the Trolley touring the area for free and Santa being at one of the local stores. We decided to check it out since Owen wouldn't take a nap and it was so nice outside!
Trolley ride!
Posing (in the bright sunlight!) with one of the many inflatable characters around town.
Pat trying to be as cool as the giant snowman. (picture by Owen)
Our anniversary was yesterday and I never got around to posting a picture. This picture was scanned in on a scanner that desperately needed to be cleaned but I'm too lazy to redo it. We had a fantastic dinner on Saturday night at Hyde Park and Owen gave us an anniversary present by sleeping until 9am! Usually he's up around 6:30!
...and the weather was warmish yesterday...we decided to go to the beach. It was about 10 degrees cooler at the beach than it was at our house which we should have guessed but didn't and so we were all very underdressed. Owen didn't notice and had just as much fun playing in the sand as he did over the summer when it was actually warm.
I know I've mentioned Owen taking pictures with our camera before but we found out yesterday that he is way more skilled than we thought. I handed him the camera, he stepped back and got this shot on the first try, perfectly centered. He then pressed the button that allows you to see the picture you just took, showed us, turned the camera off, handed it to me and resumed his digging like it was no big deal.
Halloween is over and it is officially November but I still have pictures from our Halloween festivities to share! This was our pumpkin carving! We got the worst looking pumpkin ever because I picked it up so late in the week but I think it looked just as good as any other pumpkin we've done. Owen got to help pick out the face this year but wasn't very interested in scooping out pumpkin guts !
Checking out what ended up on his scoop...
I love his face here! He didn't want to touch anything but was still highly amused that we were.