This recipe was from Nigella Express (yea! Nigella Lawson!). The only reason I'm proud of making this is because it called for a jar of roasted red pepper but instead I roasted my own!! Yes, for me that is very impressive. Anyway, there were a few problems...all of them being my fault. First, the recipe called for baby new potatoes. Huh? What are those? Nothing in the grocery store was labeled that so instead I got some red-skinned potatoes. Then, since I knew the pan I was using was bigger than the one they called for I got extra potatoes. Smart, right? Except I forgot to add extra eggs so the potatoes totally took over my omelette. So it cooks for awhile on the stove and then you put it in the broiler to brown the top (that's why I had to use my cast-iron pan because my normal pans are not oven-proof). After you take it out you are supposed to flip the pan over onto a plate and the omelette supposedly slides off cleanly and you then cut the omelette into wedges...right...You can see what happened to mine after I flipped the pan in the last picture.
Here are the red peppers after roasting. Then you stick them in a bag for 20 minutes or so and peel off the skin...

This is what they looked like after I chopped it up.

Egg mixture...(I probably should have just made this as the omelette)

Here is the omelette after cooking. So many potatoes!

And after I "flipped" the pan over...