Wednesday, November 4, 2020


We had a lot of time for celebrating on Halloween this year because it was on a Saturday. Paige had some early morning dance and then when she came home we had our Halloween lunch. Then she went back to dance and we attended Lauren's virtual baby shower before it was time to Trick or Treat!
Griffin mid-yawn but looking festive

We decided to move the donuts to lunchtime and added a jack o' lantern orange, ghost chips and a hot dog that was cut up like a finger!
Lauren's baby shower!
I joined Paige trick or treating away from home for the first time ever! She was an angel and Miley was a devil. They had a blast!

So glad they decided to wear comfy onesies! Super easy and warm!

Owen went with Luca and Jalen around our neighborhood. Owen was a Chelsea fan so he basically went as himself with a couple more accessories than usual:)

The big reveal! Our pumpkins! We set up a table and scattered candy so no one had to reach into a bowl

The kids made a big candy deal and shook on it!


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