Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sand Soccer

I thought Owen had covered all the different versions of soccer-futsal, indoor, outdoor...but turns out there is sand soccer! Owen's club team participated in a sand soccer tournament and Pat was also asked to play on the adult team. The game actually looks pretty difficult to play, you can't really dribble in sand and passing is hard because of how uneven the sand can be. But! They persevered! They had fun! They won some! And lost some! Paige spent the entire time playing in the sand with friends. I even got to "coach" a game with a couple other moms when the coaches weren't available because they were playing their own games!
Pat in action

Beach gymnastics

Owen's team


Mom coach selfie:)

Owen in action

Adult players

Fan club

Owen, Jalen and Trevor watching their parents play

More action!

Katie, Jaci and Paige

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