Monday, August 27, 2018

My Birthday!

It's kind of a joke now about how there's always something happening on my birthday but I don't actually mind. It's fun getting to see people and we always find a little bit of time to celebrate which is all I really need:) First up, we went to a tea party for Paige's friend's birthday! I stayed and had tea with some friends so we both had fun hanging out. Next up, was Owen's first travel game of the season. They won and he scored a goal! I like to think it was a birthday goal for me:)
We went home for a bit to get cleaned up and eat a quick dinner before we went to Mason's creamery. It was sooo good. I got an egg waffle with Mocha Oreo and Peaches & Cream ice cream. Paige got a Peaches&Cream waffle cone, Owen got Sweet and Sour Hawaiian Plum, and Pat got...? I don't remember. After ice cream we went home and hooked up the Nintendo! I crushed everyone at Dr. Mario. Such a good day!:)

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