Monday, May 15, 2017

Race Day

Owen joined a running club at school called G Team this year, which was overseen by his school's counselor! They met twice a week for 6 or 7 weeks not only to run but also to discuss a book, The One and Only Ivan. They discussed themes of the book and then did a service project where they collected supplies for the homeless. It was such a great experience for him that I wish it had also been available to him last year too. Kids have to wait until 4th grade to participate. The culmination of it all is a 5k the kids all run  (and anyone else, it's open to the public). There's also a 1 mile fun run that Paige signed up for. The weather was pretty gross for the race; rainy and cold, but neither kid even considered not participating that morning. Because of the way the race was configured, Pat and I could only see the start and finish so we had no idea how the kids were progressing. Paige ran the whole way and was third across the finish line! I had been worried about her doing it alone but she had zero problems! Then we waited for Owen. He ended up doing fantastic as well, and came in first in his age group!! He had told us early on that he wanted to win so it was great to see him accomplish his goal. Despite the gross weather and him crossing the finish line pretty early, Owen stayed outside and cheered every single runner across the finish line! So proud of them!


Owen with a couple friends

Paige about to cross the finish line! Look at that strong finish! I might have shed some tears...

Owen about to cross the finish line! Tears, more tears...


1st Place

With Mrs Johnson! 
A friend took this group picture while we waited for awards after the race

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