Sunday, September 29, 2024

Senior Night

Senior Night! I can't believe we're here already! I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot this year...We got the stadium decorated for the boys and before the game, Owen escorted Pat and I onto the field while the announcer talked about his future plans (college, business degree etc). Then they got started with the game. The boys played hard but it was a tough team and ultimately they lost. Such a bummer but they had to rally because we had pizza and desserts and gift baskets and families waiting to celebrate them. We hung out for a bit and the coach said some really nice things about each boy. I was very close to crying but no tears fell that night. We'll see how I do at the last game...what a bittersweet time! 
Decorating committee

Owen's square

Paige took the night off of dance to join us and watch the game!

Right before walking out on the field

The big moment! For Pat and I because Owen still had to play


Seniors and Families

I love that they have these banners hanging at the stadium

Group picture

All the moms got flowers!

In the stands, before Paige and I went down to watch from the sideline

Owen receiving his basket

Owen and Jalen


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