Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Red Wagon Farm

We found ourselves with some random free time last weekend and it was a beautiful day. Some would even say it was hot! We picked up Owen from a sleepover and drove straight to Red Wagon Farm to enjoy the day together. We started out with the corn maze. Owen and I raced Paige and Pat to see who could reach all of the checkpoints and get out first. Owen and I finished pretty quickly and I took some pictures of him pretending to be serious while sitting on a tractor. Then we went on a hayride, got some food and the kids played hide and seek in the playground. The last event we did was a pumpkin carry. Pat picked up all the pumpkins he could carry and we took them home for just $10! He managed three large ones and two small ones. 

At the start of the maze
Owen punching our card for checkpoint 3

He was trying to be silly but it's a pretty good picture anyway:)


Paige and Pat

In the playground

Strategizing the pumpkin pick-up

Pat got help carrying them back to the car

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