Wednesday, August 19, 2015

At the Fair!

We almost didn't make it to the fair this year but then some friends gave us some free tickets so we figured we might as well go even if we only ended up staying for a little bit. I'm so glad we went, there's always more to do there than the rides and junk food, which is what I still think of when I think of the fair. We ended up staying two hours before we decided to go cool off at the pool before it closed for the summer.
First stop-watching people carve amazing things with chainsaws!

Over to the prize-winning zinnias and dahlias! I'm not usually too impressed with flowers  but these were awesome!

Then we went to the bee-keeping smelled like honey!

Let's pet a snake!

Paige was super excited about all the animals!

Then she milked the fake cow. 

Ha ha! There were a ton of cutouts like this to pose with.

Paige ran into one of her close friends who happened to be showing her bunny! Washington even won some awards!

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