Thursday, June 13, 2024


Recital Time! Paige will still have two more recitals she needs to participate in but this was the big one for her with all of her dances. This was also the first time I didn't go back to help with any costume or hair changes, which was probably good because the dressing rooms were packed with kids!!
It was an extra long show this year but because it was all older dance company it was full of kids we all know and great dancing so it was fun to watch! 


Miley, Emma, Paige

Sibling picture!

Maeve, Arden, Paige

Paige and Hannah


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wake Up!

We found out back in May that Paige had made the cheer team for 9th grade and she's easing into starting conditioning and practices! One fun tradition they have is the seniors sneak into the freshman's rooms early in the morning to wake them up and take them for breakfast! For my part I had to be up at 3am, ready to let them in the house when they arrived. They got there closer to 4:15 but the cats kept me company while I waited. Paige had a little bit of a warning they were coming but she didn't know what time and they still woke her out of sleep by playing some creepy music! She got to drive around collecting the rest of the freshman and then went to breakfast and was make home around 8 or 9!

Binx got super relaxed while we waited

Griffin kept watch

Paige with her escorts-Layla, another freshman Bella and Shannon

Breakfast with Alayna, Siannah and Miley


Friday, June 7, 2024

Parkinson's Walk

We went to Parkinson's Moving Day last week to raise money and support Uncle Bill! It was a beautiful day and perfect for the event. Owen got a very spicy chicken sandwich from a food truck which was fun to watch and then we walked a mile before heading home to meet up with Paige.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Last Day of School for Paige!

Paige's last day of school was a little more traditional than Owen's but still started out differently than normal. She stayed at a friends house the night before which is why her picture is in front of someone else's house. According to the kids, they didn't do much all day and then at the end they had a clap-out through the halls! Paige will be at the high school next year so it felt bittersweet. Then she had dance and we went to Dairy Queen like we always have but it was just Miley and Paige this year! Everyone they used to go with either doesn't dance anymore or didn't go to dance that day!


Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Owen's school has a fun sports award event and he was nominated this year for Comeback Athlete of the Year! He didn't win (and he was totally ok with that!) but the whole event was so fun. The kids who hosted did a great job and Owen got called up to participate in a hula hooping contest at one point, a perk (drawback?) of knowing the people with the microphones! 


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Last Day of School for Owen!

The high school has a whole week of finals so there is no true last day of school for everyone together. The seniors finish a couple weeks before the rest of the school and then everyone else is done after they take their last final. Owen only had one final this year because he had so many AP tests so he was done with school last Tuesday morning! And now onto Senior year!!!


Monday, June 3, 2024

8th Grade Awards!

Paige worked hard this year too and also had an awards program during the last week of school that Pat and I were able to attend! She was awarded the Presidential Excellence Award for her good grades and the Presidential Educational Achievement for Growth Award. I believe the second one was for showing growth in state testing...? So proud of her!!