Saturday, October 5, 2024

6th Grade Camp-Senior Edition

It's been 6 years since Owen had his turn at Camp Mi-Bro-Be in 6th grade. He was not at all sure about going then but powered through and loved it so much! This year he volunteered to go back as a counselor! It was a fun full-circle moment to see him be so grown-up and go off to be in charge of a bunch of kids for a week. I hope he helped them all have a wonderful experience and they'll want to be counselors too! He did get a small break on Wednesday when he got to come back to play in his soccer game (they tied) but then Pat drove all the players back and we didn't see him until Friday afternoon. I was so excited to have him back home, he wasn't gone long but we missed him!
On our way to the middle school!

Comparison of Owen on his way in 6th grade and then now!

He was nice enough to take a picture with us before he went inside

Owen and some of the other counselors

Taking a break for the game

The soccer players ready to head back to camp

Rolling down the hill is a tradition for every camper-find Owen in the background!


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Senior Night

Senior Night! I can't believe we're here already! I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot this year...We got the stadium decorated for the boys and before the game, Owen escorted Pat and I onto the field while the announcer talked about his future plans (college, business degree etc). Then they got started with the game. The boys played hard but it was a tough team and ultimately they lost. Such a bummer but they had to rally because we had pizza and desserts and gift baskets and families waiting to celebrate them. We hung out for a bit and the coach said some really nice things about each boy. I was very close to crying but no tears fell that night. We'll see how I do at the last game...what a bittersweet time! 
Decorating committee

Owen's square

Paige took the night off of dance to join us and watch the game!

Right before walking out on the field

The big moment! For Pat and I because Owen still had to play


Seniors and Families

I love that they have these banners hanging at the stadium

Group picture

All the moms got flowers!

In the stands, before Paige and I went down to watch from the sideline

Owen receiving his basket

Owen and Jalen


Saturday, September 28, 2024


So many pictures for this one! Owen's last homecoming dance and Paige's first and of course they couldn't make it easy on us by getting pictures at the same spot. Owen had a game at noon but got ready quickly so he could be to his friends house in time to go downtown for pictures and dinner. They took pictures in the Flats in the same spot as last year and then got dinner at Margaritaville. I think they stayed at the dance for an hour and then went to a friend's house to finish out the night.
In the meantime, Paige was getting ready with her friends at our house. She had gotten her hair done that morning and didn't like it so she had to redo it! But they still had time to put together really cute flower bouquets and eat some snacks before going to Coe Lake. After pictures they got dinner at Maya and went to the dance for an hour or two. She also went to a friend's house after and then the girls came back to our house for a sleepover


Friday, September 27, 2024

Homecoming Cheer

The Freshman cheerleaders got the opportunity to cheer at the Homecoming game this year so Paige got to see what it felt like to cheer on a Friday night for a big crowd! Her duties started even earlier because they had to do a dance/cheer at the tailgate outside of the school and then they headed over. It was so fun watching her and you could tell it was so fun to cheer in front of the other students. So much more energy at a Varsity game!! The theme was color wars and the freshman color was grey so they were given new bows to wear. Seniors wore blue so Owen was there representing in the crowd!
Paige, Miley, Alayna

The group she'd normally be sitting with at the games. 

JV, Varsity and Freshman cheerleaders

Paige stunting in front of the crowd

Lined up and ready for the anthem

Paige waving to the crowd after doing 6 backhandsprings


Find Owen!

Find Owen again!